After you have logged in to the CMS (view instructions on how to log in), you should be directed to the dashboard.

From the dashboard click the "Assets" tab on the left hand side menu.  This will bring you to the "Assets" view where you can manage your assets.

You can navigate through your assets in the main box (directly below the "Assets" title).  Then perform actions through the "Tools" box, which gives you options to:

  • Refresh: To update (refresh) the view with the most up to date information.
  • New Folder: To create a new folder within the folder currently selected (e.g. Assets in the image above).
  • Upload File: To add a file from your computer, this can be almost anything though is most commonly an image.
  • Replace File: To change an existing file with a file from your computer, often used when you want to replace an image for an updated version, and no longer need the earlier version.
  • Rename: To change the name of what you have selected (can be either a file or a folder).
  • Upload Archive: This allows you to add the contents a zip file and is used for bulk file uploads.
  • Delete: To remove (delete) an assets